Sunday, April 29, 2012

Hi Parents,
There are a few reminders I have for this week. We have a trip tomorrow, April 30th. Please make sure your child brings his/her lunch. We have 2 more upcoming trips as well, in May for a Fun Day at Flushing Meadow and in June to participate in a Festival of Cultures at Alleypond Park. Please submit the trip slips as soon as possible. 
Here's the homework grid for this week: 

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Welcome back from Spring Break. There's only 10 weeks left of school before the summer. We have a lot of work to do! Let's make it a great 10 weeks.
Here's the homework grid for the week of April 16th :

Monday, April 9, 2012

Happy Spring Break! I hope you're having lots of fun. Students have asked to see more photos of my daughter. Here she is at 15 months old.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Here are a few educational sites your child can use:

Students can practice letter sounds and other phonics skills.

Students can read books on their level. Just login using yzhanga .

Students can practice grade level skills in reading and writing. 
Click on the grade 1. 

Students can watch videos, read books, and play games.

National Geographic Kids
Students can read and view videos of animals.

Students can access videos, books and pictures on animals, the earth, space and plants. Please or contact me or e-mail me for the username and password. 

Students can listen to stories read by celebrities!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Here's the homework grid for the week of April 2nd. It's a short week. Friday starts vacation! I hope you all have tons of rest.